Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Little Pirates

As most people know, my little Xander is obsessed with Star Wars and pirates. The past few days he has insisted on wearing black socks with everything, even his white tennis shoes (ahhhh!) because they are his "Darth Maul" socks. He also loves to pretend he is a pirate but, in Xander's mind, a proper pirate must have a peg-leg. He has struggled with this one...but the other morning he found his solution. (Check out those scary pirate faces...arrrggghhhh!)

Here is a closer look...Xander found that he could fit his foot into a big cup and it makes the perfect peg-leg. Once Xander figured it out, of course Savannah and Noah had to do it as well.


HeavenlyHome said...

Classic!! Oh the joys of childhood!

mary said...

Glad to hear Xander is still loving Star Wars. Mine are too! said...

Hey Tracie, everyone looks so cute and happy! I sure do miss your family. Give everybody a big hug for me (especially my little big Noah). I love you and keep up with the great posts. I will try to comment more often.

Jeanne Lawyer said...

Isn't it amazing how their little minds work. I must say that was VERY creative. I especially love the pirate faces. Classic if I do say so myself.

Sommer said...

that is just too cute for words!