Tuesday, February 16, 2010

2 Months

Two months. Has it really been two months? Yesterday marked two months of David being unemployed. Needless to say it's been a tough time for us and it would be so easy to dwell on all the limitations that have come into our lives because David was layed off. But it has also been a time of great blessings and I never want to lose sight of the great love Heavenly Father shows our family time and time again. As I count our many blessings, here are just a few:

  • having David home with us all the time - I absolutely love it!
  • the kids have been able to spend so much quality time with David sledding, building snowmen, playing games, reading, and just having fun
  • spending Christmas with my family
  • being uplifted by many prayers given in our behalf
  • family that is so loving and supportive
  • sisters who listen to me when I just need to vent
  • friends who have done so much for our family - watching our kids so David and I could go to the temple, delaying payment for lessons until David has a new job, phone calls that come just when I need them, and the list goes on
  • grocery shopping by myself
  • learning to truly recognize what is a "need" and what is a "want"
  • feeling my testimony strengthen and my faith and dependence on the Lord grow

The weak moments still come but they happen less frequently as I focus on the truly important things in life. I know that we have had this trial come into our lives for a reason and I am determined to learn from it.


shayla said...

Such a great attitude... and it makes all the difference in this trial! I know, weird huh... there ARE so many blessings and reasons to have gratitude during the unemployment trial. I too, have been overwhelmed by the random love & support we've received. You're such a great example.... virtual hugs!!!

HeavenlyHome said...

Yep, God is Good. Thanks for the reminder!

Anonymous said...

You have such a wonderful attitude about it. It is so wise to see a trial, and grow from it, and gain testimony from it. I also think it is wonderful to look at the situation and see the good, and the bad. This is just a learning experience for the family, and it is part of why we are here. Without sorrow, there would be no joy. You guys are great, and definitely in our prayers! Keep up the hard work and good attitude! The Lord has great things in store for your family!! Love you guys!!

mom2beachbums said...

I'm so sorry to hear this Tracie! Hang in there ~ brighter days and jobs will come!! I know easier said than done. You will be in my prayers.

Catherine said...

Aren't blogs a great thing to help us count our blessings? And even though unemployment is definitely not what anyone wants, it's so great to have have a refresher course in needs vs. wants!

Sommer said...

You have such a beautiful strength about you and I admire that so much and want to emulate that. Thank you for this post and for the wonderful example that you are to me of counting our blessings even during that hard times.