Tuesday, December 7, 2010

We Remember

Although I am a history buff, I have never been a stickler for dates; I believe people should know the chronological order of historical events rather than specific dates. There are, however, a few dates that I think are important enough that every person should know them - December 7, 1941 is one of them.

The attack on Pearl Harbor will "live in infamy" and I think it is so important that we never forget what happened that day (and date) and the events that transpired as a result.

If you happen to see a WWII veteran today, please thank them for their service.


Dawn said...

ok, didn't have this memorized. will have to work on that for next year!

The Clark Family said...

You are so great, doing these type of posts. I love our veterans and all that they have done for us. What a great reminder!

Anonymous said...

This is one of the few historical dates I remember as well. I have a difficult time with history, but WWII fascinates me! I think I remember this date so well cause in HS history class, we all made paper airplanes, and went to anothr classroom and "bombed" them. Thanks to all our veterans! Ü