The germs have been working overtime at our house these days. It started a couple weeks ago with Xander waking up at the crack of dawn with a painful earache. I took him right in to the doctor because I don't mess around with ears. Although he ended up not having an ear infection (thank goodness), he did have strep throat! You would never have known it, though, because the kid had never once mentioned to me that his throat was bothering him. The colds and sore throats and coughs have continued to plague all of us; no one in the family has been spared. Savannah woke up around two last night and after an hour of listening to her cough, I stumbled out of bed and applied the inexplicable but miraculous method of rubbing Vicks Vapor rub on her feet and covering them with socks. Works like a charm every time! Within 5 minutes there was no more coughing. But the one who has been hit the hardest is our poor little Noah. He has been sick for over a week and just by looking at him a person can tell that he just doesn't feel good. I always know when the medicine has worn off because he comes up to me, gives me his sad puppy dog eyes, and says, "Mommy, I sick." He then proceeds to tell everyone in the house that he is sick; he even told my dad all about it on the phone one afternoon. Just too cute though I do wish he'd get better one of these days.
New Calling + YW Camp
4 days ago
Poor little No-No! He is so adorable, even when he is so sick! I hope you guys start feeling better soon. It is so hard when you have sick kids! (it is hard having healthy kids but adding sickness makes it so bad!)
Poor little Guy!! Being sick is not fun! I have been seeing so much strep and ear infections at work! This is just that horrid time of year when it spreads all around! Hopefully the kids can all battle it out and be better soon! We wish you guys were here visiting too!!
Poor little guy! I missed seeing you on Sunday, I sat in front of your kids and they behaved very well, I though!
I've heard of people who have earaches instead of sore throats when they get step, so weird.
I've never heard of putting vicks on your feet with socks, I'll have to try that next time!
What a little sweetheart! Poor little Noah. I hope you all get better soon... and interesting tip about the vicks, I'll have to try that sometime.
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