Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Okay, so I said I wasn't going to do this...my poor sister Heidi has already endured several ranting phone calls from me during this past week. I just can't help myself! I am so frustrated and angry! Here is the inspiration for my blog entry of today:

Wasn't there a whole lot of outcry about President Bush's "relationship" with the Saudi royal family? I don't recall any bows out of him. And please don't try to say that Obama wasn't bowing. Do they think we're blind? Maybe Obama dropped something and was about to pick it up when he realized he was being presented to one of the Saudi princes? Or maybe he was trying to check out the Prince's designer shoes? Yes, that must have been it!

And shaking hands with Hugo...why, it just warms the heart, doesn't it? Obama is being so accepting of all countries and their leaders and their political way of life. What could be wrong with that, right? I mean, Hugo didn't really mean anything when he handed a US-bashing book to the President of the US, now did he? Even Hillary Clinton (and you all know how much I just love her) got it right on the campaign trail when she said during one of the debates that she would not meet with certain leaders because she didn't want to become a propaganda item for them. Maybe Obama should have thought about that.

Maybe in a few weeks Obama will be included in a giant group hug with these two:

Every week I'm just getting more and more upset with this President's actions. Stimulus Packages. Bailouts. Nationalization of banks (and please don't tell me that the government's most recent plan is not nationalization...I'm not stupid!). Embryonic stem cell research. Utter disregard for life by an increase in abortion funding, not only in the US but overseas. The "Obama Doctrine". Belittling the attendees of the Tax Day Tea Parties. The closing down of Gitmo...uh, what are we going to do with all those terrorists? The prosecution of Bush administration lawyers and policy makers with regard to terrorist interrogation. The list goes on and on. I know President Obama likes to remind us all that he won but contrary to what he might believe, that does not give him free rein to do whatever he wants. And if one more media person compares Obama to Abraham Lincoln, I seriously think I'm going to puke. My sister Heidi pointed out the massive displays, side-by-side in some bookstores, of books about Abraham Lincoln and Barack Obama. Well, if anyone bothers to pick up those books and read them, they will know that the political beliefs of these two men is vastly different. These two presidents are nothing alike! I think the media is just hoping that by comparing Obama to probably the greatest president this country has had, that people will think Obama is great as well. I'm sorry, Mr. President, but nothing you have done so far has distinguished you enough to be placed in the same category as someone as moral, as upright in character, as Abraham Lincoln.
Read these words by this most amazing, wonderful man and tell me what in them reminds you of President Obama:

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. You cannot build character and courage by taking away people' s initiative and independence. You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves. ......Abraham Lincoln

That would be a big, fat NOTHING!

The only good thing President Obama has done so far is have us boycott the UN's racism conference. (I think someone should explain to Iran that the conference is actually not about promoting racism.)
Okay, I feel a little better...just needed to get that off my chest. You all are lucky I kept it short; I could have gone on and on. But don't worry, I'll keep my political rants to myself...at least for a few days.


mom2beachbums said...

Aahhh Tracie, you have a way with your writing. Very gifted. Well said yet again! He was visiting Mex city last week where my sis and her hubby are working for the state dept & on my blog there's a pic of O (my kid's call him Pres. 'O' because 'Obama' to us is BUTT *a nickname we've had for years* LOL) anyways....the funny thing about is that my sister and her hubby can't stand him and were dying when he walked over to greet them and unexpectedly picked up and kissed their baby. I admire your conviction. I'm ashamed that I just turn away and can't even 'watch' but am fearful of what may happen to our country in the near future.

The Clark Family said...

I am so saddened when I see what he and his administration are doing to this country. When you have a first lady who stated that she was never proud to be an American until the day when her husband was nominated for president is a sad day indeed. The founding fathers were great men, filled with wisdom, knowledge of political history, and faith. Obama is filled with none of these things, going so far as to say this country is not a Christian nation. To all the people who voted for Obama and are members of the church, I ask you this. With the president of our country doing everything he can to take away the foundation of Christian values in this nation, who do you think we are really serving?

Pamela Anderson said...

I'm sooo glad to finally hear someone say it. I am not as articulate as you. Hell in a handbasket...that's all I can say.