I was so excited to be chosen as a chaperone for Xander's field trip to the aquarium...or at least, I thought I was excited. Doesn't my group of five look so angelic?
All I had to do was keep track of five first graders for two hours as all the first grade classes walked through the aquarium and looked at the many wonderful sea creatures. Well, I had one runner who took about 2 seconds to look at a tank and then wanted to move on while two others wanted to spend at least ten minutes looking at those same tanks. I was so worried about keeping track of my little group and continuously counting them off - 1,2 3,4,5 - that I didn't spend much time looking at any of the exhibits. At least Xander was good for me and had a good time!
The cool octopus...
and the humongous turtle!
The definite highlight of this trip for the kids was the dolphin show.
I came home from this trip with a raging headache and absolutely NO desire to chaperone another field trip to the aquarium!
New Calling + YW Camp
4 days ago
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