Saturday, May 16, 2009

Take me out to the ballgame...

Some friends of ours invited David and the kids to the Orioles game Wednesday night. This was the first baseball game for the kids and they really enjoyed it. They were especially lucky because these tickets were front row! Probably not the best way to introduce the kids to a professional sporting event - the next time we go to a game and are sitting in the nosebleed section, they might not be too thrilled.

There's the bird!


Sommer said...

wow, lucky ducks, that's awesome!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What great seats!!! Looks like so much fun!

Jeanne Lawyer said...

How fun! I can't believe how grown up Savannah looks. She looks pre-teen in those pictures.

HeavenlyHome said...

When they get the nose bleed seats, it'll be a whole new experience all over again! Another blog waiting to happen!

The Clark Family said...

Hey, you stole my title! That was what I was going to use for the Marlins game we went to. Oh well, you were faster. Anyway, those were some amazing seats! I just kept on worrying that a foul ball would come and completely nail one of my kids in the face. Can't wait to see you guys!