Sunday, December 19, 2010

Noah's Christmas Party

Friday Noah's preschool class celebrated the holiday season with a Christmas program and party. The children entertained us with several poems and songs, including Jingle Bells, We Wish You a Merry Christmas and, my personal favorite, I'm a Little Snowman.

I'm a little Snowman
Short and Fat;
Here is my broomstick,
Here is my hat.
When the sun comes out
I melt away.
Down, down, down, down,
Oops...I'm a puddle!

They were all so cute shaking their bells as they sang Jingle Bells.

After the program came the party. David was there to help Noah with his ornament craft.

And Miss Barb helped him decorate his cookie...he even shared some frosting with her.

And then the big man showed up. I love this picture of Noah grinning at Santa, trying to figure out how he got into the classroom without a fireplace for him to come down.

A little one-on-one time with Santa Claus.

Noah was pretty happy with the book he got from 'ole St. Nick.

Some Snowman toss.

Coloring a Christmas plate.

And of course eating some yummy treats!

Sharing a hug with his two fabulous teachers.

Another fun preschool party.


Sommer said...

Very cute! Looks like he was having a blast.

Anonymous said...

That is some very involved party! What a lot of fun!! :)