Monday, December 6, 2010

O, Christmas Tree!

Ever since David almost sawed off a finger rather than a Christmas tree a few years back, we now head to the local Home Depot to get our tree. We are definitely a "real tree" family and we love the Douglass Fir. While David untangled the lights,

the kids unpacked the ornaments...and that's when the trouble started. I often wonder if there will ever be a time when we can just get through a nice family event, like decorating the Christmas tree, for pete's sake, without a fight breaking out. Here is Noah, starting to melt...notice sweet Savannah in the background; the girl hardly ever causes a problem.

Who knew that a Nutcracker ornament could cause such problems?

Thank goodness it didn't last long and the boys were able to pull it together. Definitely a happier moment!

The lights are on and it's time to decorate!

It was Savannah's year to put the angel on the top of the tree.

My cute little tree-decorators.


Sommer said...

Oh they are so cute! Gotta love the drama that little kids bring =) The wooden soilder was pretty cool.

Catherine said...

It does seem impossible for everything to go smoothly when putting up the tree!