Thursday, December 9, 2010

Winter Weather

It's 25 degrees outside? And...?

That's our Noah - he's our little minimalist! I think he would be a nudist if he had his way; as it is, I make him put SOME clothes on each day.


HeavenlyHome said...

Hey, he's got a hat on! That's what I tell my kids to put on when it's cold! Hee, hee!

The Clark Family said...

Him and Ash and seriously two peas in a pod. Ashlyn wore a bathing suit all day yesterday and it was 12 degrees outside. I mean, her little body was so cold but she refused clothes. I am so going to hate my heating bill this month. said...

Hahaha...he is just too funny! I adore him so much. Give him a great big hug for me, okay? I will miss all of you tremendously for the holidays, but you know how it is!