Saturday, July 5, 2008

Our Last Day

Memories of our Last Day:

Weather: Overcast, Muggy
Beach: Caneel Bay (Morning)
A beach at one of the Resorts
Rocky, not best for kids
People not in the best mood (last days can be bummers!)
Xander building his sand creation
Noah enjoying the water

The road worker with the cardboard sun hat
The traditional family photo overlooking Trunk Bay
Our family photo minus Xander who was sulking in the car (guess we'll have to find something else for the Christmas card)
Trunk Bay is one of the most photographed beaches in the world

2nd Beach of the Day: Maho
Cloudy and very humid
Trying to soak up as much time with each other as possible
Cherishing the memories

Spotting this beautiful little conch shell right next to my feet

Noah with Uncle Bryan

Xander singing "Uh-Oh, agetti-o's" about 200 times on the ride home
Celebrating June Birthdays with a chocolate cake

This trip was amazing, one that we looked forward to for so long...and now it's already over. The trip home went okay...Noah was better although he threw up about midway. The luggage ramp was closed at Dulles due to a storm so we had to wait for our luggage for over an hour. We pulled in to our home a little after midnight Monday night, grateful to find everything just as we left it. Now the wait begins...just two more years and we'll be back on the beautiful island of St. John!


Anonymous said...

We are happy you made it home safely, and it looks like you all had a blast!!

Jeanne Lawyer said...

Tracie, what a wonderful trip! It looks like you all had a great time. I just love the 2 pictures of all of you in the water. Those are priceless. I'm glad you had a great time but I am glad your back. I sure missed you all!