Okay, Heidi tagged me with another questionnaire so here goes...
Four Jobs I Have Had:
1. Pharmacy Technician. I worked for a company that filled meds for nursing homes and I absolutely loved it! Despite some of the strange people that worked there, I had a really fun time working around all those drugs.
2. Senior Assistant Manager at Ann Taylor. Retail is NOT my favorite but this job was okay.
3. Ultrasound Technician. The best job ever!!!! I never got tired of looking at those little babies and sharing such a wonderful experience with the parents.
4. Director of Operations for Fetal Fotos. This job is best summed up with a line from a well-known classic: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."
Four Places I Have Been:
1. Portland, Oregon. This is where David and I went on our honeymoon and even though it was not the most exotic, exciting place, it was our honeymoon and I was with David. It was wonderful!
2. Cancun, Mexico. Also with David and despite the rain we got for most of the week, it was fabulous!
3. Nauvoo, Illinois. We took a trip with David's parents to visit all the church historical sites in Illinois and Missouri. We visited Independence, Carthage Jail, Liberty Jail, Nauvoo (pre-temple), Farr West, Adam-ondi-Ahman, etc. It was such a fun trip and I can't wait to go back.
4. St. John. The ultimate of vacations. I had been with my family in 1995 and then two years ago David, the kids and I met up with my parents, Heidi and her family, and Kelly for a week down there. It was so awesome! The kids were wonderful and we all had such a great time that we have decided that every two years we're meeting down there. We can't wait for June!
Four Favorite Foods:
1. Italian
2. Chinese
3. Mexican
4. All other foods. Seriously, I love all foods...it's too hard to narrow it down to favorites. It all depends on what I'm in the mood for.
Four People I Would Like to Know Better:
1. I would like to know members of David's family better, like his sister Liz and Cherish, Dan's wife.
2. My neighbor Liz.
3. My neighbor Jackie.
4. Kara, a woman at my church.
Four Reasons I Like Being Me:
1. For the most part I am a pretty happy person.
2. I am not afraid of what other people think of me (sometimes this can cause problems but oh, well...if someone doesn't like me there's nothing I can do about that.)
3. I am easy to please.
4. I try to have an open mind and learn about many different things.
Four Classes I Would Like to Take:
1. Photography Class. Everyone seems to mention this but I really do want to know how to take better pictures.
2. A cooking class. I would really like to learn how to be one of those Tepanyaki chefs, where they cook the food right in front of you and throw all the eggs and things around.
3. A French class. I would love to be able to talk to David in French because I sure love hearing him talk to me in his oh-so-sexy French.
4. When the kids are all in school I plan on returning to school myself to get my Masters...so a bunch of history classes will be a dream come true. I am a total nerd and can not wait to get back to the classroom.
So, there it is. I now tag Kelly (come on, girl, get on it!), my sister Tricia (yes, it is time to update your blog!), Jenn, and Cherish and whoever else wants to do it.
New Calling + YW Camp
4 days ago
See, you found things to like about yourself! Why not me? Anyway, fun memories!
Thanks for the comment. I felt the same, this was a fun "tag" to do. Seems like you and I have some things in common! Tell the kids and David hi!
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