Okay, so everyone who knows me knows that I LOVE to read. If I get into even a decent book, it's hard for me to stop but a really great book and it's impossible to pull me away. My sister Heidi has the same problem and so our husbands always joke about our reading, saying, "Just one more chapter..." because that's our response when someone needs us to stop reading. Well, I am deeply involved with a really great book and, unfortunately for my husband, kids, and house, it's actually a series of books. These books are by an LDS author, Stephanie Meyer. I had never heard of these books until the author's latest book, Eclipse, knocked the 7th Harry Potter off the number one spot of bestsellers. There was a whole write-up about the author and her series in some top newspaper or magazine and David showed it to me. As I'm always looking for new books to read I kept it in the back of my mind until I had read all the other books I was trying to get through. I started the first book Twilight this past Monday as we were driving home from Cincinnati and was thoroughly engrossed after a few pages. I LOVE these books and can not put them down...even though from time to time I realize that I have to. The bathrooms need to be cleaned, my laundry needs to be done, my house is a MESS, my kids need to be taken care of...and my response to all of it is, "Just one more chapter!" As I go about my chores and the responsibilities in my life, my mind strays to the story and the characters. The book just lays there, seeming to call out to me to pick it up. I'm trying so hard not to ignore my kids but boy, it has been difficult. For those of you looking for a good read I would highly recommend these books. Now I have my sister Heidi hooked. Thank goodness, too, that I have someone to join in on my obsession. (We went through the whole Buffy/Angel romance together as well.) And for those who might not think the material matter is fitting because it involves vampires, I must remind you that you probably loved Harry Potter and that series dealt with some pretty dark characters as well. Anyway, got to go read! Hopefully by Monday I will be done with the series and free of my addiction.
New Calling + YW Camp
4 days ago
I was totally laughing when I read this post. I actually checked your blog only once today because I was reading "Just one more chapter!" I am done with Twilight, can't wait to start on New Moon!
See what Ryan and I have to deal with!
I LOVED Twilight, and have New Moon sitting downstairs jsut waiting for me to open it and start reading. I can totally relate to the addiction surrounding these books. I too find myself thinking about the characters! In fact, the day after I finished Twilight, I was at school and a little Kindergartener bit another Kindergartener right on the neck! I couldn't help but think about the book......and wonder!!!!I really want to start New Moon, but am hoping to wait until Fall Recess, cause my problem is I am at work all day, so I read ALL NIGHT!! Not good for work the next day! I wish you were here so we could "talk" about the book!
Looks like I am going to have to pick up a few books for my after baby recovery period.
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