David headed to Utah early this morning to attend his grandfather's funeral this weekend up in Idaho. His grandpa passed away Tuesday night and, although he was in his nineties, it is always hard to lose someone you love. I will always remember the good times we had visiting his grandparents in Idaho and am so sad that we didn't have an opportunity to visit them more these past few years. The kids and I stayed home and we're definitely enjoying the change in the weather. Monday it was in the low 90's with humidity and today is cloudy, windy, and in the low 60's...more like fall weather should be. Xander is still fighting a nasty cold and cough and has missed school all this week but hopefully he'll be feeling better soon. As soon as the medicine kicks in he announces, "I feel better" and it's hard to keep him in bed. I'm just hoping the other two won't get anything or else it will be a long, long weekend.
New Calling + YW Camp
4 days ago
I am so sorry for David. I had no idea! My condolences to the family.
Oh ya - and you better figure out how to start leaving comments, because it's not like we have that many friends. If Robbie Clark hadn't checked our page and liked our little Izzy, Heidi's comments would be IT! Come on, Tracie, get with the program!! :)
Um...how do I delete that last message, considering I just looked at our page and saw that you left a message?
I am so sorry for David as well. Let him know that I am thinking about him and his family.
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