Last week was pretty rough. Savannah was home Monday through Thursday with the stomach flu so therefore I was home Monday through Thursday as well. It is so hard being confined to the house for four days. Anyway, Friday morning I walked in her room, hoping, hoping, hoping that she was well enough to send to school. I was overcome with joy to find her ready and eager to get back to her classmates. Freedom at last! Once Savannah was out the door, the boys and I headed out to run some much needed errands but by mid-day I realized that both the boys weren't looking too hot. By Friday night Xander had a fever and both Noah and Xander had leaky noses. Great, I thought, there goes my weekend too. But Saturday morning Xander bounded out of bed full of energy so I assumed he was feeling better. We headed off to a Dora birthday party for one of his preschool friends, Dominique. This little girl is soooo cute! I call her Miss Cutie Pants and Xander has picked up on the nickname. He told me the other night at dinner that he wants to marry Miss Dominique Cutie Pants. Well, this was quite a fun and creative party! Each of the kids received a backpack filled with items that would help them as they went on a Dora adventure. They consulted their maps to know which way to go...over Troll Bridge, across Crocodile Lake, and several other Dora hot spots. Savannah seemed to be having a great time but Xander just wasn't himself. It was a hot day and he refused to take his jacket off for most of the time we were there. Plus, he just wasn't feeling well. Midway through the party I knew I needed to take him home. Oh, was a fun party while it lasted. I was only stuck at home with the boys for Sunday; thank goodness Xander and Noah seem to be much better now.
Consulting the map. Notice the jacket in the 85 degree weather.
Crocodile Lake.
Swinging through the jungle.
The enormous, mute, rather scary Dora who visited the party. I don't think she was a big hit with the kids.
New Calling + YW Camp
4 days ago
yeah that Dora is kind of creepy, what a creative party, that looked like so much fun. I'm glad your kids are better, I wondered why I didn't see you at church on Sunday, that's quite the week you had!
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