Yesterday we went on a field trip to the Plumpton Zoo with Xander's preschool class. This particular zoo is a Rescue Zoo which I'm all for supporting. They had many different animals there, including a giraffe, 2 black bears, a mountain lion, a Siberian tiger, and a beautiful white wolf. The zoo is quite small but we still had a great time looking at all the different animals. Xander, of course, loved the crocodiles (they were really alligators) and I loved the tiger. Noah was transfixed as he watched all of the animals moving around. He got so excited and would clap and do his little growl at them.
This humongous Siberian tiger came to the zoo from a family in Canada who raises wild animals for TV and movies. I was so jealous of the zoo worker who got to tickle the tiger with her feather; I wanted to be right there with her. I asked her if the zoo has any volunteer opportunities to which she replied, "Yes. I'm a volunteer." I'm going to have to look into that because I would love to work with all of those animals.
Noah loved all of the roosters, peacocks, and other birds that were wandering around the zoo.
I included a picture of this little guy, a marmoset. There is always some animal at every zoo I visit that seems intrigued by me. Sometimes it's funny, like the wild cat at the Cincinnati Zoo that kept trying to attack me (thank goodness for glass windows); then there was the white lion that followed me with her eyes the whole way as I walked the zoo ramp...well, that was a little scary. (I think this trait must run in the family because the snow leopard at the Cincinnati Zoo ran straight at my sister Kelly and would have pounced on her except for the gate that was in the way.) This little guy was so cute and came right down to the window to get close to me.
Xander checking out the sores and cuts on this little creature...Xander was very concerned.
Noah got the biggest kick out of this animal. Of course the deer thought that we had food to give him so he kept licking Noah's hand. Noah LOVED it!
New Calling + YW Camp
4 days ago
Tracie, I think you have the cutest kids, they are so sweet and I just love them! For some reason those pictures just made me smile and laugh. I didn't know that you loved animals so much, I wouldn't have guessed that but that's pretty neat. I'm so excited to go to the Enchanted Forest with you and Jeannie on Friday. Yay!
That sounds like such a cool zoo, I wish we had something like that around here. And you should volunteer, you have always loved animals, that would be so neat, just don't get eaten by the tiger. You are braver than me, I couldn't come within a few feet of one without probably fainting, I am much too aware of their wild side. Xander and Noah are such doll babies, I just love them!
What a fun trip. Animals + kids= cute pictures. It's great to see Noah enjoying them and having so much fun.
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