Friday, April 11, 2008

"Grandpa" by Xander Picasso

Xander loves all of his grandparents but he really bonded with my dad last year when he came out to watch the kids for a week while I was in the hospital having Noah. Since then Xander talks about Grandpa Schaeffer all the time. The other night Xander drew this picture and said it was a picture of Grandpa. He then asked me to hang it on the wall so that every day he could see his grandpa and give him a kiss. And he does...he kisses the picture every day and says "I love my grandpa."


Julie said...

Your dad has sure changed a lot since last I saw him. The years have been "kind" to him.

jenn and flay said...

Xander is so awesome. I love that he chooses to kiss that picture versus a real one. Kids are so funny sometimes.

masonmd said...

Go Xander. I can really see the resemblance. ;)