Four years ago, on a brisk Friday morning, Alexander Nicholas Pierce entered the world. I delivered him via C-section in a hospital in Salt Lake and, although the road has not always been easy with our little Xander, we are so blessed to have him in our family. We lovingly refer to him as our goofy little guy and that's exactly what he is. He loves to be funny, to be a ham and make people laugh. He usually wakes the rest of the family up in the morning with his singing and his favorite songs to sing are pirate songs. His obsession is Star Wars and I can't quite convince him that we do not need to buy a new Star Wars guy every time we go to Target. Books are a favorite as well as Scooby Doo movies. His favorite colors, as of this morning, are orange and green. He loves to eat chicken and rice; he's actually a really good eater and I can't think of anything he doesn't like. One of my favorite things about Xander is his love of dressing up and not being afraid to wear his costumes anywhere! He usually has a sword, a light saber, or a gun stuck down his pants as we walk through the grocery aisles. He loves to wrestle with David though he hasn't quite learned when enough is enough. He's not playing any sports yet though he's got one heck of a kick so we think soccer will be great and as long as he learns to ice skate, I think he might have some fun with hockey. He's very sweet with younger kids, very gentle, and he loves playing with Noah and teaching him how to wield a sword. He loves to swim and knew how to do it by the time he was two. His favorite phrases are "Lock it up!" and "Whatever!". I love his hugs and his kisses which he freely gives to me. Although he was my roughest infant (and I mean ROUGH!!!!), he has definitely become my easiest child. He has his moments like the rest of them but he is such a sweet little guy and I just adore him. My little Xanderman definitely has me wrapped around his little finger!
Wednesday, October 1, Xander woke up on his 4th birthday to balloons and one new present to open. He of course got new Star Wars guys. At school he received a Happy Birthday sticker and they had a little celebration for him. For his special birthday dinner we all headed over to Freddies, or, as Xander refers to it, the Pirate Restaurant. They do have a pirate theme as well as a pirate ship playground which Xander absolutely loves, as you can well imagine. Unfortunately the weather wasn't that great for his birthday so he and Savannah could only play on it for a little while before the rain and cold drove them back into the restaurant.
At home it was time for more presents. This birthday was all about Star Wars and Pirates. He also received a Batman castle which he loved...but so did Noah. Birthday boys don't actually like sharing their new toys so David eventually had to cart a screaming Noah off to his room. Poor little brothers!
Xander with all his new loot. Overall I think he had a wonderful 4th birthday. Thank you to all who called and sent was a great celebration for the X-man.
New Calling + YW Camp
4 days ago
Okay, so his Aunt Kelly was NOT one of the ones who called to wish the cute little guy a Happy Birthday on his birthday... and I'm SOOO mad because I have it marked on my calendar & I even called and everything! I am so sorry. And now everyone gets to hear what a bad auntie I am. But it looks like he had a fabulous birthday, and I am so glad that it was wonderful. And does anyone notice how much little Noah looks like Bryan in that picture where Xander has that great smile and is holding up his presents?
Happy Birthday Xander man!!
Xander looks soooo happy in his pictures with his gifts. I am going to adopt myself into your family I think, you guys have fun birthdays!!!!
Happy Birthday Xander! Looks like he had a wonderful day filled with lots of presents! I need that many presents on my birthday!!!
I just love that little guy. He looks like he is in HEAVEN in the last picture there with all his gifts. It looks like his birthday was a great day.
I love it when he says Lock it up. I will never forget the first time he said that to me. I had to ask Savannah to be sure.
Anyway, Happy Birthday Xander.
Oh my gosh, he's FOUR? That is crazy!! However, he's the same age as Denver, my 4 year old! Man, time flies!!!
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