The face of an angel...or is it? My darling little Noah started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks and I mean he really started sleeping through the night. I always laugh when people say their child is sleeping through the night when he/she goes to bed at midnight and gets up at 6:00...I hate to break it to them but that is NOT sleeping through the night. Noah goes down at 8:30 and usually sleeps until 7:30 or 8:00. It has been fabulous! Now, for those of you who always think that I'm bragging about Noah I just have to say that it's not really's just such joy at having a baby such as Noah and I just can't keep my happiness from overflowing. You see, I served my 16 month sentence in hell with baby Xander (and it truly was hell; I am not exaggerating the 3 hours it took to get him to bed or the subsequent 8-12 times I had to get up during the night to try and quiet his screaming...every night of his first 16 months!!!) and so Noah is just a dream come true for us. But the past few nights he has started waking up around 4:00 and it takes almost an hour to get him back to sleep. Then it takes me awhile to fall back asleep and then it's time to get up just a little while later which leaves me dead for most of the day. Yes, I have been spoiled with Noah...but this is rough! My neighbor said that her little boy who is a few months older than Noah started waking up in the night when he started teething and yes, Noah is teething right now. She said resist giving him a bottle and eventually he'll get out of the habit of getting up. I sure hope so...I enjoy my sleep and want to go back to how it was before my little late night monster started waking me up!
New Calling + YW Camp
4 days ago
Silly little Noah! It is horrible when they don't sleep through the night! Hopefully he will get over it soon. It is a good thing he is so cute, that way you can't get too mad at him!
It's hard to believe that the cute little smiley face seen on your blog could ever be described as a monster! Sorry you aren't getting enough sleep... that's got to be really hard.
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